
Why dont we give love one more chance?!

no car no house no future!

does it really mean that? yeah i mean it, you will be classified as hopeless if you dont have the above. you cannt help but that is just the reality. love cannt feed you and sometimes i suspect that is just an illusion or a game of matching. prince with princess, royal with rich, poor with poor it will never be mistaken.

yeah, in any points of view, we become pragmatic, inevitably. especially in this modern society. who fucking care about the poverty, and please dont bother me to have my 2000k porshce! come on you dont know how hard is the money i earn!! that is alright because that is the rule of the game. and we are all playing this game.

what i feel distress is those pretentious who saying love but cannot live without a luxury car or big house. "i left him/her because we wont have future!" what is future btw? what is present? it is funny to hear the excuses and the real reason is just money. perhaps i am too childish, or perhaps i never have the feeling of being rich, i suppose it could be heaven! but to hear those just irritate me to rethink what love is? if love is over all basis, what should we care? apparently that is wrong.



第29屆奧運終於完了,在這短短17天的過程中我們看到了很多精彩又另人印象深刻的片段。儘管在開幕前受種種問題包括四川地震,新彊恐佈襲擊、污染、人權、語言及文化差異、場地不足等困擾,中國人展現了強大的國民力量,將北京從新展視於國際。除了金牌背後的辛酸,希望國民都明白到中國必需跟國際接軌才能使中國富強,正如羅格說:「China has experienced that they cannot live in isolation.」原來在電視機面前聽到中國國歌奏起已經是這麼蕩氣迴腸的,難怪不少得奬者流下英雄淚!


China vs USA basketball@Beijing Olympics

that must be one of the best basketball game i ever watched. it is because Chinese team was fighting for their honor! Yao Ming and all other Chinese teammates are incredibly great. both skill and power of them are improved so much. As the emperor of basketball, it is too harsh for China to challenge USA. but the point is they were already trying their best and made USA not in an easy game. No matter what Yao Ming must been the one draw all the attention in the entire game. He is really the only one gaining advantage with his center match-up. When he dropped several successive offensive rebounds and then fouled by USA my tears almost came up. Even Wang Z.Z. had to applause and encourage him when he was at the bench. He must be one of the strongest center in nowadays NBA game. With 7'6" height, versatile techniques and passionate basketball enthusiasm, that really make this big man leading the China team to step forward in basketball history.


how deep can you touch

after taxi recommending this song to me, i tried to play it with my guitar and then love this song. you cannot help that is always my favourite type of music and of course taxi knows it that is why he proposed this to the sentimental animals. what is lacking in our music is a leading rhythmical instruments for example a drum. i believe my guitar can somehow do it but practically not very match for all songs and definitely a strong beat is more sensible to achieve this. if you wanna play something more rock that could be essential too! that fucking jeff never join the function instead of going to work on sat or sun makes us disastrous! He PK don't concern us! (sobbing) Also where is my next high grade guitar?! Electric or acoustic? Benz or Porsche? what should i care about it? Chi SIN!