
Explorer 2

bought the first luxury watch in my life last week. feel like throwing the money into the black hole. but why still have to buy? i dont know. just my dad insisted to buy me for attending my bro's wedding banquet next month. anyway hopefully my bro will become more mature and know how to be a good person in the future. family has given him everything he should have care, support and warm.


Christian the sentimental animal

my teardrop came down after watching Christian the lion ran to hug and nuzzle his former masters. i watched it so many times over and over. i think of my dogs suddenly and then miss their passionate welcome to me when i arrive home every time. how pure is the love between man and animals even we have no common language but why there are so many conflicts between humans.

"Love shows no limits and true friendships last a lifetime"


purple ankle





新車車牌出了,係NZ4777,感覺唔好, 所以明天再抽過。




one night in 墾丁 我留(流)下許多情(X)!


講留情或流米青﹝取諧音姐,我好彭拜的﹞,實屬玩野,係用MC HOTDOG的一句,佢亦係用陳昇的一句"one night in beijing我留下許多情",陳昇好野!但玩野得黎好中點,因為以上包括本人都應該係感情既動物,嗚嗚。







我最喜愛既動畫橙路既主題曲2"Orange Mystery" 主唱: Nagashima Hideyuki, episodes 20-36播既就係呢隻,好懷念。橙路TV series係我唯一一套買左而好好收藏既anime。

Ayukawa就好自然成為個個時代我心中既女神,外冷內熱,就好似wiki中講既"The archetypical "kimagure" (whimsical) character".

超能力,ayukawa,jingoro, 搞笑又浪漫既情節,另我一次又一次重播呢套ORANGE ROAD.


Serena HWS 2.0

after a long and detailed survey and consultation that one (exactly that color) is our final decision for the next MPV. diu, what i found is many people have chosen the same color as me that i guess it called deep magenta really the hottest choice!! but i think this time i really make a good choice because compare with noah it is really better, cheaper price, more spacious, smarter, etc. but more funny thing is whatever car you buy you will find many people or forum which support their own choice. i never think about serena until feeling disappointed on toyota noah test so much. now all of us are wohooing especially my bro he is busy on planing how change or upgrade it even it will only arrive not earlier than end of oct. with car with house then you will find you have difference when knowing a girl telling her what you have and make yourself more adorable or confident, is that what i want to have? but i am sure the reality is that you cannt remove that kind of feeling to nil. at least you cannt just say like or dislike someone but also their background. apparently it includes what you have, choose a car, choose a house, choose which floor, choose television brand, choose a job, choose a girl, but why i need to choose so much, i chose not to choose, i chose something else, and the reason? who needs reason if you ve got a rosa?



after watching this my tears almost drop down, pan son must have blood tear already. this is just a too sensational and touching video i ve ever watched. running marathon to a normal man is not easy, dont mention running ironman triathlon, dont even think of carrying a man and finish that. is that the power of love? pk san always mention the power of love so can he do that? how great this story is!

And I know my Redeemer lives
I know my Redeemer lives
Let all creations testify
Let this life within me cry
I know my Redeemer



this is another time i have the feeling of crush see below.

"I'm doing good, am working for xxxxxx (the crayon company) doing R&D.
And I'm getting married in October and wedding banquet will be in April next year, will be in HK around that time?"

OK, i dont need to know but just strolled down the page and saw this message written to one of her friend.

here comes my favourite quote from cashback: a strong and unreasoning but transitory attachment

but is it really transitory? or recognise her child after leaving her 60 years? come on you dont need to know!!

alright, love is love......(I hate that song!)






繼續小小鳥,今次自己彈下。今晚踢波, 姐夫同的士兩條仆街放飛機。攞場時BOBO用張唔假既場紙去趕班細路走,之後班細路唔信要睇清楚,BOBO就兇佢地,結果淫威得逞了,但姜姜同我都覺得好羞家好無品,不過又點,屌佢都費時,照踢。








山無陵, 天地合, 才敢與君絶

damn, the blog is banned when you are accessing in mainland, what a shame! that is why the frequency of using this is dropped...

next should try that song by the keyboard then i could ask my bro to use guitar to jam this one.

that poem is wrote by 李清照, today afternoon keung beer told me he got this funny stuff which is composed of two pieces of wood but you never separate it. that is why the poem is there. means you never sort it out! but i am more interested in that poem. the first time i hear that was from 還珠格格!



























you were always on my mind

recently keep looping this "you were always on my mind" Wille Nelson version.

and we like to quote these two lines:
"tell me tell me that p's sweet love hasnt died."
"give me give me one more chance to keep p satisfied to keep p satisfied."

it is always easy to get into that kind of love song when you thinking yourself as the singer of the song, and then enjoy it, sounds like she is listening the same in a faraway place. but the reality is not the same she is actually wohoo with someone else. so love songs always impress people but indeed a kind of consolation? anyway the song is just too good.

you were always on my mind
you were always on my mind
you were always on my mind


fair dealing?

let me be your freedom let daylight dry your tears......
i am here nothing can harm you, my words will warm and calm you......

the truth is always awful, the truth is always not the same as what you thought, the truth is always ugly. i am not smartest person in the world, sure, but you cannt help I always have a clear mind on what is happening, that maybe very simple but sometimes people is losing this intrinsic ability to see things, especially who fall in love.

like some of my friends, they told me about their story, they would like to share with me that will be my pleasure i am not intending to expose it in anyway but just point out what i feel on a less conflicting way.

that is no more simple that girl always wanted to have a mr right. what should a mr. right have? concluding the idea so far, he should have first of all bright future, a lot of interest, preferably handsome, sense of humour and family oriented (sounds like JobDB ads) but i dont see anything except rich. alright it is fair people to have choice, but when you need a brad pitt you are supposing you are angelina? remember golden to golden silver to silver steel to steel theory. too much excuses i hear and and i feel bored to hear and investigate it.

how ridiculous if you think you should use yourself as a reward to just a mobile phone? yup, everything should have its value or price but sorry not compatible to your virginity. and you think yourself that cheap? come on wake up little girl! maybe once the price goes up to million then we should re-consider the offer. it links to another story, jeff always be defensive when talking about all the ugly fact both taxi and me admit and realize, especially those pop idols scandal, "not all like that ga!! there must be still good people!" sorry we dont need to care about this because you can never understand the feeling when a rich man throw a million on your face. but the reality is just you can see.


Best Original Story Juno

Who said Juno was boring is just being blind or suck in mind. Ellen Page is an excellent actress her performance in the movie is too shining and freshing. she totally expressed the characters of the girl the author want to sell to the audiences. you're a dick! I like it! Cute Real straight foward, the way she talks, the attitude she shows, all not look like a 16 years old girl. it is too good. below is the conversation between Juno and her dad in the movie they were apparently talking about love. it suits my topic here.

Juno MacGuff: I'm just like losing my faith with humanity.
Mac MacGuff: Can you can narrow that down or me?
Juno MacGuff: I just wonder if like, two people can ever stay together for good.
Mac MacGuff: You mean like couples?
Juno MacGuff: Yeah, like people in love.
Mac MacGuff: Are you having boy troubles? Because I gotta be honest with you; I don't much approve of dating in your condition, 'cause well... that's kind of messed up.
Juno MacGuff: Dad, no!
Mac MacGuff: Well, it's kind of skanky. Isn't that what you girls call it? Skanky? Skeevy?
Juno MacGuff: Please stop.
Mac MacGuff: [persisting] Tore up from the floor up?
Juno MacGuff: That's not what it's about. I just need to know that it's possible that two people can stay happy together forever.
Mac MacGuff: Well, it's not easy, that's for sure. Now, I may not have the best track record in the world, but I have been with your stepmother for 10 years now and I'm proud to say that we're very happy.
[Juno nods]
Mac MacGuff: Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.
Juno MacGuff: Yeah. And I think I've found that person.
Mac MacGuff: Yeah sure you have - your old D-A-D! You know I'll always be there to love you and support you no matter what kind of pickle you're in... Obviously.








that i would be good?

That I would be good even if I did nothing
That I would be good even if I got the thumbs down
That I would be good if I got and stayed sick
That I would be good even if I gained ten pounds

That I would be fine even if I went bankrupt
That I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth
That I would be great if I was no longer queen
That I would be grand if I was not all knowing

That I would be loved even when I numb myself
That I would be good even when I am overwhelmed
That I would be loved even when I was fuming
That I would be good even if I was clingy

That I would be good even if I lost sanity
That I would be good
Whether with or without you


Isn't it too ironic?

An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
And isn't it ironic... don't you think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures

Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well isn't this nice..."
And isn't it ironic... don't you think

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures

Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face

A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...don't you think
A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...

It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out

Source: lyrics of the song "Ironic" by Alanis Morissette




001. 介紹自己時會叫自己:------阿成
002. 講出自己全名會否唔自在:------唔會
003. 鐘意男/女朋友叫你咩:------冇所謂
004. 鐘意叫自己男/女朋友做咩:-----是但
005. 而家呢個歲數 ,覺唔覺好老:------唔覺
006. 鐘意自己係整齊既靚牙定係可愛既爆牙:------我都算整齊
007. 鐘意阿爸定阿媽:------both
008. 對上一次玩既動物:------狗同貓
009. 寧願做狗定人:------做貓好過做人,不過睇下你做邊個,例如楊獸性
010. 今日既天氣如何:------晴
011. 鐘唔鐘意落雨懶型唔帶遮:------唔關型唔型事,但唔鍾意帶
012. 如果落雨無遮而隔離有個靚仔/女話遮埋你會說:------OK!
013. 如果自己同性戀,會選擇戀人是:------同你老味
014. 如果玩3play(或更多).對象會是:------呢個難答,要問姐夫
015. 食腸粉鐘意甜醬定麻醬:------both
016. 如果女人 ,鐘意可愛男還是男人味男:------電車男
017. 如果男人 ,鐘意可愛女還是女人味女:----- 索女
018. 如果自己個BB係隻怪獸 ,會否沖落廁所:------痴線
019. 鐘意攬定係鐘意錫:------扑
020. condom會鐘意strawberry定chocolate味:------問CP,佢應該會答咩都試下
022. msn online status多數是:------online
023. msn最常談的人:-----都係個幾個
024. 上得最多的網:------都係個幾個
025. 現在最想殺的人:------打打殺殺...
026. 現在最愛的人:-----what is love anyway?
027. 現在最掛念的人:------小錐
028. 現在想做的事:------返屋企hea
029. 可以時光倒流 ,想回到那時:------古時
030. 鐘意左手寫字還是右手:------中間個隻
031. 會否用腳趾夾人:------夾WHAT?!
032. 坐車隔離條友訓落你度 ,你會:------屌七佢﹝索女除外﹞
033. 會否睇戲睇到喊:------極少
034. 承上題 ,咩戲:------the world's fastest indian/the water horse
035. 暫時來說一生裡最愛的人:------家人同女
036. 暫時來說一生裡最憎的人:------冇
037. 身上有重要的東西嗎:------細佬
038. 剛才食左:------冇食早餐,WAOOO
039. 剛才飲左: ------冇, SOBBING
040. 剛才聽既歌:------i believe when i fall in love with you it will be forever
041. 剛才睇既電視:------2009 ATP BNP Paribas Open Federer vs Karlovic
042. 每日返工/學 ,幾耐可出門:------睇下邊度出發
043. 會常遲到嗎:------冇遲到呢回事
044. 會常逃學/工嗎:------冇諗過
045. 對上一次逃係幾時:-----未試過
046. 砌過最多既砌圖是幾多塊:------2000
047. 那是什麼圖案:------風景
048. 電話繩是什麼:------唔用
049. 電話桌面是:------Nokia
050. 電腦桌面呢:------風景
051. 鐘意沙灘還是山頂:------兩樣都鍾意過真係
]052. 有看過流星嗎:------有
053. 分手前最後的說話 ,希望是:------我愛你
054. 分手前最後做的事 ,希望是:------我愛你
055. 現在最想擁有:------porsche or benz
056. 可以不停聽都唔悶既歌:------係呀係呀
057. 唱K喜歡做的事:------改歌詞
058. 享受唔開心嗎:------乜LUN野呀?
059. 唔開心時最like做:------爆下粗
060. 有寫日記的習慣嗎:------寫blog
061. 若比人偷睇左會點:------diu 7 kui
062. 最心痛的是:------細佬屌七老豆,或老豆老母閙交
063. 若個阿叔係升降機內放屁你會:------diu kui
064. 若有阿叔自認放屁你會:------再diu
065. 若有阿叔谷個屁出黎放 ,聽到d聲你會:------打九佢
066. 上一次內疚係幾時:------比流血更難受
067. 上一次講大話:------你知我唔講大話,我講大話會喊
068. 家裡有多少人:------5個
069. 鐘唔鐘意新特首:------佢都幾...
070. 你對人生的看法:------想認真答要答好耐,都係咁啦
071. 你還想做人嗎:------痴線!
072. 死之前要做既事:------食好重要
073. 最得人驚的死去方法:------馬上風
074. 希望自己點死:------老死
075. 現在最令你擔心的事:------搵唔到錢
076. 短期目標:------買xbox
077. 長期目標:------行得走得
078. 會否結婚:------應該會
079. 會否生仔:------應該會
080. 影相最鐘意:------索女
081. 鐘唔鐘意豹紋:------WHAT?
082. 鐘意粉紅色嗎:------鐘意
084. M記鐘意食咩:------是但
085. 會買車嗎將來:------都會既
086. 可以即時"必"到眼淚嗎:------CP?!
087. 可以忍笑嗎:------忍你老味
088. 一天最多可沖涼多小次:------你鍾意幾多次都得啦
089. 腸胃炎的話 ,你寧願狂痾定狂嘔:------有得揀咩?
090. 望一望你的底褲是什麼色:------關你撚事呀
091. 有否剃毛呀今日:------剃鬍子
092. 有冇用止汗濟or香水:------冇
093. 你相信自己可以打死一個人嗎:------係呀係呀係呀
094. 如果你可以問一條問題 ,你會問咩:------what is love anyway?
095. 怕什麼生物:------港女
096. 機舖打波波 ,最高紀錄幾大力:------未玩過
097. 而家聽緊既歌 ,唱緊果句歌詞:------冇聽
098. 知唔知諗100條問題有幾辛苦:------挑, 關我撚事
099. 這100題來自:------咁冇創意, 多數唔會係CP
100. 對這100問題的感想:------nothing



diu, 呢個講港女既續集拍得好求其。

1. PETER唔代表港男,佢好明顯係比鋼鐵還鋼鐵,港女睇唔起佢亦好正常。
2. PETER本身都係有問題嫁啦,正如YOUTUBE中阿GILL話:講野一舊舊,唔識性挑逗。搞掂自己先講溝女啦。
2. 補習個條女都未見過大蛇柯尿,三萬蚊係唔少,但係唔需要大搖大擺咁高調話自己叻話自己掂,好明顯佢係一個港女啦,睇唔起D搵錢少過佢既男人。我可以想像佢同一個GOLDEN傾計時跟同一個STEEL傾計時既分別,就發LUN晒姣同STINKY WEST之天淵之別。
3. 電乜9車男,我都唔明呢個terms有乜咁特別,鍾意動漫既人何止千萬,何必以遍蓋全。
4. 點解唔搵D九公做下interview,係咪唔出得街?冇九公何來咁多港女?就算唔搵D九公都可以搵返D正常D既男人,或者搵個月入三萬的。
5. 班健身教練以為自己好撚形,個個o個樣都差唔多,暗示形既定義是如此嗎?吾以為實熟形是形,不過是也母形。

anyway, what the programs told us it is just a game of matching not about love or how to build up a relationship with partner. that interviewee peter really pathetic his soul is just like distorted but not his fault maybe the fault of the trends the fault of the society? who knows.

What is love anyway? what do you care if you love someone? maybe the reality proved too much that it is stupid, we should better find someone rich, at least rich can guarantee something. but i am not that type.



SOURCE: 頭條日報





















the answer is simple NO!










R.I.P. Mr. Edward Poon

i think no one will expect me to write anything for edward even myself cannot believe that. but really feel disastrous and upset when knowing his death. he was definitely a good man a good leader from my previous company. i respect him so much in my heart but i better not show up for every event for him cos just think i should not.

"one by one only the good die young, he is only flying too close to the sun we will remember forever."

just remember what fat wai said before: when we are young we will attend people's wedding banquet that probably you dont want to go, when we are getting older we will attend other's funeral that we must not want to go. and that is true.



1. 我的外國好友。實際上亦師亦友。

2. 大學時代至今的好友們。實際係最佳損友。

3. 呢D咪叫有姿勢又有實際囉!

4. 飲管比賽,CATHY係我當時想識的一個女仔,但最後被一位叫阿九的KO。

5. 我呢D仆街做O'CAMP組爸。睇到都想打佢兩獲。

6. 我第一份工FAREWELL時影的,計唔到有CARMAN同PICKY同時出現。

7. 畢業照。應該係姐夫的。

8. 以前我地好鍾意講既姐舅,但而家只剩下三名九西加個好仔。


to be with you (by the sentimental animals)

this is scrapped, but just for fun gei, and that maybe our milestone, who knows? no gei, without any formal training/learning just play ha play that is ga la, especially jeff he really sings like a shit really difficult to bend him to join.



new guitar new amplifier new mobile phone new song to me woho!


if you dont understand please xxxx off

It is always good to have time to be alone to think and write. Without any topics without any rules, without any pressure we can write or talk very freely. Not just expressing ourselves but it's also a kind of self-appreciation? alright we all need to be valued in certain extent. thanks for everyone who reads this rubbish or try to leave me comment but even without comment i think i will keep on and most important is that is a place totally belong to me not anyone. and if you don't understand please piss off.

now i am sitting alone in a cafe with my iced cappuccino and there is a very charming girl sitting right in front of me. i can't help just staring on her. And on the other side there is an annoying agent talking with her client about the insurance plan or something. It is funny to observe someone's behavior like that as u are just like a person who is not existing in this place.

Emails - what I mostly spend my working time on it. but what it is about besides some words or numbers? I think it is nothing. It is about money only. it is funny to think why we need to earn so much money. it is meaningless to tell how many digits in your account if you have no way to use it. Really no way? I can get many toys I like if i am rich as hell! we all keep working and striving for our future. to buy houses, cars, stocks and bonds and so on. but what is next? more houses, more cars more stocks and bonds? it cannot fill your heart anyway. (maybe most people does) I do prefer spending more time with someone i love (family and friends). what i found is it is always wrong if you emphasize love more than doing it. or love must be announced? that is why i tag "what is love anyway" here.

so now apart from those childhood friends, all sentimental animals come along together and form a rubbish team. and what we want is just fun. yup just for fun. bought a 5k Godin A6 Ultra electric plus acoustic guitar recently with taxi! woho Amp will be delivery this friday hopefully we will play something differently! again if you dont understand please piss off.


too much love will kill you

I'm just the pieces of the man I used to be
Too many bitter tears are raining down on me
I'm far away from home
And I've been facing this alone
For much too long
I feel like no-one ever told the truth to me
About growing up and what a struggle it would be
In my tangled state of mind
I've been looking back to find
Where I went wrong
Too much love will kill you
If you can't make up your mind
Torn between the lover
And the love you leave behind
You're headed for disaster
'cos you never read the signs
Too much love will kill you
Every time
I'm just the shadow of the man I used to be
And it seems like there's no way out of this for me
I used to bring you sunshine
Now all I ever do is bring you down
How would it be if you were standing in my shoes
Can't you see that it's impossible to choose
No there's no making sense of it
Every way I go I'm bound to lose
Too much love will kill you
Just as sure as none at all
It'll drain the power that's in you
Make you plead and scream and crawl
And the pain will make you crazy
You're the victim of your crime
Too much love will kill you
Every time
Too much love will kill you
It'll make your life a lie
Yes, too much love will kill you
And you won't understand why
You'd give your life, you'd sell your soul
But here it comes again
Too much love will kill you
In the end...
In the end.


when i find you

我想所有下雨天 我可這樣凝望你
我想跟你明日昨天 一起吻晨曦
我心一向沒變遷 我不當是遊戲
世間爭先要新鮮 我只要你
難數清愛你幾多 只知每日更多
靈魂再沒還欠什麼 當找到你
我想於世上每天 你准我在旁伴你
我想跟你同行互牽 一起笑和悲
這雙肩膊為你堅 有風有浪仍護你
世間爭先要新鮮 我只要你



very lazy recently haven't wrote anything for so long. actually nothing really worth to mark down.(really nothing? you ask heart?) generally everything goes well, got the first payment(so plan to buy the first electric guitar! woho!), bought new house thought not by my money and my left ankle is much more better than before now can jump again. really not bad huh.

just thinking of one thing, taxi forwards what fat yuen posted in facebook that is "a sweet and wonderful honeymoon" and he said will diu 9 me if i do the same. (yup he really used this word) people generally accept that that is everyone should have a century wedding and announce to everybody who loves who. sometimes it works but sometimes it just like a show without any passion and make it become meaningless. maybe we are just jealous and we will somehow do the same action? i suppose not. whatever i wont do that pretentious things which waste money and time. i mean if only for a show i definitely refuse to do so. should love be announced? maybe marriage not represents love it involves many things. or just find someone who is suitable to be together? sorry i am nw.

i like to use general as the topic of the passage as i received so many emails using this word as topic from clients recently. so what you suppose to get from general conversation? of course nothing.

"There are many things that i would like to say to you but I don't know how!" <--- very good line from Wonderwall by Oasis.





