1. set auto reply message whenever you are not in office or not available to reply your email. it sounds reasonable right? but just do it as a show as even you just go out for 2 hours.
2. forward enquiries without thinking/follow up, the point is to forward it quickly it represents you are monitoring your fellows very well. if issues/problems have been raised up, what happen? just shout and ask why.
3. no planning, except going to play.
4. stupid, very simply reason for the above three.
5. like making excel tables showing the figures to the boss, because he believes that the boss is just stupid as he is.
6. unknowledgeable. it is sad to say so but the longer that kind of person stay in the same position the lower the value he is that is why becoming unknowledgeable and less competiting.
7. dont know when to praise when to encourage when to give pressure. that is simply not the right person to manage people.
8. flirt with female colleague when working, just personal opinion.
9. appoint someone who is not cable in achieving the target, forgive him because he just want to be friends with those people.
10. no leadership it is a kinda instinct can train up but unfortunately most case is failure.
11. no point of view, just 100% agree with the boss even is asked to crash on the wall. absolute royalty is how he survives and why the boss like this.
12. talk like shit just repeat automatically the same things to the same questions but never adjust or be analytic. sometimes jokes/embarrassments will happen.
13. bad selling technique never expect your boss can do the same job better than you, because you are hired to do so and he is not.
14. bad taste that really bias cannt help sorry. LOL!
David Bowie
I have not really listened to any music from David Bowie for quite some
time (The Let's Dance cover by Chic feat Nile Rodgers in Clockenflap 2015
doesn't c...
9 年前