just went to Aris's new house in lam tin yesterday. it is pretty cool and most important that it is so closed to the MTR! he was my roommate when i was in cityu, the year my second year and his last year there. he is definitely one of my best friends i ever have. after visiting his new home we went to dinner nearby and i just got my favourite book "the unbearable lightness of the life" by milan kundera! that is always great to meet friends who you like to meet and share everything we face in our life even we are not closely linked as before. forgive me as i always being rude to him i mean orally speaking or my attitude but both of us know that is just a funny and more relaxing way to talk. everyone knows i am very gentle indeed. being a teacher he is always hesitate to perform bad but i just find a way to vent off with him by trash talking chinese foul lang in the street! it is fun!
obviously we lose some connections but in the same time we maintain some throughout our life. it all depends on ourselves. that is not an art to dealing with. thankfully i get much real friends who will support and play with me and i believe it will last very very long.
his house is quite expensive which costs 2m for about 800 foot! pay 10k monthly for 25 years for only a place to sleep?! crazy!! WAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
David Bowie
I have not really listened to any music from David Bowie for quite some
time (The Let's Dance cover by Chic feat Nile Rodgers in Clockenflap 2015
doesn't c...
9 年前