i recently obsess to a movie named "cash back".
The opera music, the hilarious episodes, the idle living style, the humorous jokes, every single line of the scripts are wonderful and impressive to me. Not only just a comedy of romance that is, but also a message/meaning inside which lead us to think what love is.
the beautiful naked girls did really give an great source of inspiration/fascination without them it couldn't make it, seriously. will ben/sean fall in love with a non-girlfriend materials or a girl without rack? probably not, just not to be scrutinized on it(who will like a movie acted by an ugly actress?) .
it is always creative to imagine what you will do when you are able to stop time. the actor in the movie chose pencil stretching his idols, and finally sharon forgave him because seeing hundreds of her drawings hanging in his own gallery show, that is just a movie trick anyway. the reality is that we cannot stop time, that is true but more realistic to say you cannot rewind time, you cannot undo things. if people are able to undo things i guess first of all there will be lots of us disappear because people only want to make love and not give birth! woho!
there are many favourite quotes still i choose this one:
"Crush. It's funny how the same word for the feeling of disappointment can be used for the feeling of attraction. The Oxford English Dictionary states one of the meanings for the word crushed as "a strong and unreasoning, but transitory attachment."
how many crushes i have since i born? sobbing...P!
i still wonder how can be a person alive without sleeping for successive two weeks? it is crazy.
David Bowie
I have not really listened to any music from David Bowie for quite some
time (The Let's Dance cover by Chic feat Nile Rodgers in Clockenflap 2015
doesn't c...
9 年前