last week to me that was a wonderful week cos there were so many unexpected gifts from my friends, special thanks to ar wai, doris and momo. nevertheless what they are the biggest gift was time the whole family spent together. my previous living place wah ming is required to be re-installed the authorized/old style of window frames so my bro and his gf have to move in to my current place for several days also with "car" the 6 months old golden retriever. (why not big head b? anyway that is up to my bro)
so that was why we had a good meal time together during the weekend. the only one suffered is my cat as she is extremely repellent to the new comer car so the only possible way to make her feel safer is trapping she into a room with food,water and her loo. i spared my room to my bro and his fg and slept with my little bro in another room which is the same place to store the fat cat. as i said i am not a good son but u cannt disagree that the time you spending with family is priceless. since my bro lives by himself plus myself working in china that make me realize that. i used to regret and blame myself that i didnt teach or lead him well when childhood so that making him suspended his academic when form 4. but how about my youngest bro? seems no interest in studying at all instead he like sports (both basketball and football perhaps influenced my me) and also horse-racing with my dad every week. to my dad that is brilliant to have him a best partner in that. we discussed many things last two night such as the situation of the wah ming work or other minor stuffs but the most important thing is to persuade the middle son to join my dad's work. not matter what it must be more promising than his current job working as a employee for Ikea. anyway that is up to his choice.
i havent played my guitar for these few weeks just pick it up and playing for several mins. but I ran again at sat and sun each time took about 1 hour for 10km distance.
ps the golden can run pretty fast!
David Bowie
I have not really listened to any music from David Bowie for quite some
time (The Let's Dance cover by Chic feat Nile Rodgers in Clockenflap 2015
doesn't c...
9 年前
10 条评论:
ho ye!! good son!!
no, there is only one good son this world.
That one is perfect, don't be so harsh to urself, u are also good son, woohoo
diu lee la, you thank her wife yet ar? i am not a good son, only one good son in the universe.
i don't have to, she hasn't done that for me wor, for you guys only. btw, have you thanked her wife yet??
why not thank jeff and ar wai then? they did it for us many times la. suen ba la kui.
so i always insist you should now reply and thx jeff and ar wai too
chi sin
me law...WAOOOOOO