very lazy recently haven't wrote anything for so long. actually nothing really worth to mark down.(really nothing? you ask heart?) generally everything goes well, got the first payment(so plan to buy the first electric guitar! woho!), bought new house thought not by my money and my left ankle is much more better than before now can jump again. really not bad huh.
just thinking of one thing, taxi forwards what fat yuen posted in facebook that is "a sweet and wonderful honeymoon" and he said will diu 9 me if i do the same. (yup he really used this word) people generally accept that that is everyone should have a century wedding and announce to everybody who loves who. sometimes it works but sometimes it just like a show without any passion and make it become meaningless. maybe we are just jealous and we will somehow do the same action? i suppose not. whatever i wont do that pretentious things which waste money and time. i mean if only for a show i definitely refuse to do so. should love be announced? maybe marriage not represents love it involves many things. or just find someone who is suitable to be together? sorry i am nw.
i like to use general as the topic of the passage as i received so many emails using this word as topic from clients recently. so what you suppose to get from general conversation? of course nothing.
"There are many things that i would like to say to you but I don't know how!" <--- very good line from Wonderwall by Oasis.
David Bowie
I have not really listened to any music from David Bowie for quite some
time (The Let's Dance cover by Chic feat Nile Rodgers in Clockenflap 2015
doesn't c...
9 年前
2 条评论:
my memory in last oasis concert has been kind of washed away...
have to jump on "Rock'n' roll star" again!! wooho!!