STS is the new place i am working at after i left my uncle's company. being a salesman, the most valuable thing i gain there is not the contacts of clients, nor how many business i can get. ironically it is the friendship between my team. those dirty funny jokes, those complicated linkage between people inside, those selfishly demanding opinions, those pretentious attitudes, those friendly reminders, all those things I can see from just that past several months and I may have experienced before but never can escape whenever and wherever i work in this time this place. it is definitely not a place you can pursue your dream at nor earn a lot of money from. anyway, just wanna have more experience in that field before i am ready to go. but what should i care if i ve got mark six prize? Is it too ironic? It is life.
ps thanks my teammates for teaching me a lot and wish them all the best. though we dont know when we will split and work somewhere else in the future.
David Bowie
I have not really listened to any music from David Bowie for quite some
time (The Let's Dance cover by Chic feat Nile Rodgers in Clockenflap 2015
doesn't c...
9 年前
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